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Two Aspects to Take You to Know About Hydrogen Rich Water!

May 13,2022

When it comes to drinking water, many people always think that it doesn’t matter what kind of water they drink. In fact, seemingly ordinary drinking water is also a university question. In today’s increasingly serious water pollution, only by paying attention to drinking water can we get closer to health.

Hydrogen rich water, with its magical selective function of removing excessive harmful active oxygen free radicals from human body, has many application values for public health, beauty and health care, etc. It is healthy water for all ages, and also the daily drinking water of Japan, a country with a long life, and is becoming the new favorite of China’s drinking water market.

When it comes to drinking water, many people always think that it doesn’t matter what kind of water they drink. In fact, seemingly ordinary drinking water is also a university question. In today’s increasingly serious water pollution, only by paying attention to drinking water can we get closer to health. Hydrogen rich water, with its magical selective function of removing excessive harmful active oxygen free radicals from human body, has many application values for public health, beauty and health care, etc. It is healthy water for all ages, and also the daily drinking water of Japan, a country with a long life, and is becoming the new favorite of China’s drinking water market.Cawolo Hydrogen Water Machine Supplier

1. Functionality of hydrogen-rich water

On the role of hydrogen molecules, we should start with two experts in the field of hydrogen biology, Professor Chengnan Ota of Japan and Professor Sun Xuejun of Shanghai. The academic articles of the two professors unanimously show that hydrogen molecules are very powerful antioxidants in nature, and they are the natural enemies of active oxygen free radicals, the root of all evil, with the natural attribute of selective and precise attack. However, the selective antioxidant effect of hydrogen is manifested in anti-aging, anti-inflammation, anti-allergy, anti-radiation, anti-fatigue, anti-cell mutation, anti-cell apoptosis, metabolic regulation,and immune regulation.

When drinking hydrogen-rich water, hydrogen molecules react with toxic oxygen in the body through neutralization, and finally the toxic oxygen is converted into water and discharged out of the body. Moreover, hydrogen has strong dispersivity, which can easily enter cell channels, help cell metabolism, and thus promote cell detoxification. Experimental results show that hydrogen-rich water has certain intervention and prevention effects on metabolic syndrome, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, gastrointestinal circulation, constipation and other problems.

Up to now, many clinical studies have used hydrogen-rich water to intervene oxidative stress-related diseases, including aging-related diseases and exercise fatigue. Research data show that intake of hydrogen-rich water can be used as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, and reduce cell damage.

It is found that the most significant influence of hydrogen-rich water intake is gastrointestinal tract and liver and other digestive tract organs, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), irritable bowel disease and metabolic syndrome. In a 12-week clinical study of 84 patients with GERD, electrolyzed water containing hydrogen can not only alleviate the illness, but also reduce the levels of biomarkers related to oxidative stress (such as malondialdehyde, nitric oxide and superoxide anion). The author believes that the intake of hydrogen-rich water can quickly alleviate the symptoms of GERD and improve the overall quality of life of patients. In an 8-week open-label pilot study, intake of 1.5 L of hydrogen water (55-65 mM) can increase endogenous SOD level and decrease MDA level in patients with metabolic syndrome. There are also extensive preclinical studies to support the beneficial effects of hydrogen-rich water on lower digestive tract. For example, an empirical study to evaluate the effect of hydrogen on intestinal peristalsis found that the strength of muscle contraction decreased, indicating a decrease in colon transport. In a mouse model, twice-daily intake of hydrogen-rich water (5 mL/kg, 1.5 ppm) can reduce the inflammation of colon wall and the severity of the disease. The preliminary results of human experiments also show that hydrogen water has certain effect on human stool morphology, and this effect may be related to the improvement of intestinal flora composition.

Many studies have analyzed the influence of drinking hydrogen-rich water before sports activities on post-sports. At present, it has been found that daily intake of hydrogen-rich water has been proved to support post-sports recovery, reduce inflammation induced by reactive oxygen species, and restore and prevent muscle injury.

In “Qualitative Evidence-based Research on the Health Effects of Hydrogen-rich Water” published by China Food and Nutrition magazine, it is mentioned that:

The results of population experiments show that hydrogen-rich water can reduce the level of serum oxidative stress and prevent potential metabolic syndrome. Can reduce the liver fat content of people; It is helpful to reduce the level of oxidative stress in diabetic patients and make patients with impaired glucose tolerance tend to be normal. It can reduce active oxygen metabolites in chemotherapy patients, and does not affect the tumor treatment effect. It can effectively improve that richness and diversity of intestinal flora of people.

Animal experiments show that hydrogen-rich water can reduce nerve injury and cell apoptosis in animals, and reduce the level of oxidative stress in the brain. Improve abnormal performance of metabolic syndrome; Improve liver diseases; Can reduce the inflammation of eyes; Reduce the inflammatory reaction of kidney; Reduce lung inflammation.

2. Hydrogen-rich water is widely used.

Hydrogen-rich water is available to everyone.

Hydrogen-rich water is safe, green and environment friendly, and has no toxic or side effects on human body. It can be combined with excess active oxygen (H2+O=H2O) in the body to form water, which can be discharged from the body. And there is no clear taboo for people, whether it is healthy people or people with sub-health and chronic diseases, they can try hydrogen rich water for health care.

There is no interference with other health care measures.

It is found that through effective integration with other disease intervention methods, it can play a better role and get the ideal speed and degree of disease recovery. At present, no problem has been found when it is used together with hydrogen health products.

Wide use

Hydrogen-rich water will have a certain position in the fields of drinking water, health food and skin. It can be used not only as people’s daily drinking water, but also as raw materials and ingredients of nutritional supplements or functional foods, and skin care. Such as being added into food to help eliminate malignant free radicals. Adding it into beauty mask can help skin remove color spots and delay skin aging.


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